After a heart shattering break-up, I swore off dating forever. But then I put down my Ben & Jerry's and leapt back into the dating pool. It's a daunting game out there, and I say it all comes down to chemistry.
Or does it? Maybe we have hang-ups or maybe we're just too picky. In 100 dates, I hope to figure out what it is that makes me - and you - 'click.'

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Lucky #9

It's been a year since I updated this blog and I must admit, I feel kind of guilty. For a roller coaster of nine dates, you readers have been a part of my life. It is only fair that you should know what I'm up to now - and who I'm up to it with.

Basically, it all comes down to the fella from date #9. When I met him, I met someone special. True, I did go on a few dates after our brief encounter (he lives in London after all), but no one compared to L.

I've been dating him long distance for over a year now, and despite the not-living-in-the-same-city problem, it has been great. We have amazing chemistry and a fantastic time whenever we're together.

He is that pinch yourself, it can't be true kind of guy. Even today, I can hardly believe I've found someone like him - I'm talking borderline Renee Zellweger in Jerry Maguire. This one's a keeper.

And I owe a lot to this blog. Opening myself up to all the men who asked me out - and writing about it - helped me gain perspective. Even on a mere nine dates, I learned a lot about who I am and what it is that I really want in a relationship.
Now, number 9 is my lucky number. I ask you - what is yours?

From here on, this blog is open to all the women out there willing to share their tumultuous dating experiences.

You - stop calling your bff and unloading the deets of your last awful/amazing date and share it here, with our eager readers.

We want in on your experience because, in some small way, they will help explain what it is that makes us 'click.'

Interested? Message me.